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Our services

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

This type of acupuncture examines the body’s internal and external functions from all meridian points. Using ancient Chinese medical practices, the patients receive a treatment plan based on a tongue examination. Typically, the treatment focuses on healing one part of the body.

The traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture allows you to manage your health along with other treatment methods. It releases stress in your meridian points, thus aides with sleeping and body aches and pains.

Moxibustion Acupuncture

Compared to traditional acupuncture methods, this treatment involves heat. Moxibustion provides a relaxing experience for patients using a special herb. In this treatment, the therapist lights mugwort herb over the needles.

The warmth meridians to improve circulation and digestion. Moxibustion is used to treat conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, pain management, and respiratory illnesses.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping involves using rubber or glass suction cups to stimulate blood flow to specific points in the body. The suction provides relief from muscle pain and inflammation. It also eliminates toxins in the blood flow.

Cupping is popular for treating anemia, muscle pain, and high blood pressure. By redirecting the flow of blood, the vessels expand and cause your skin to redden. However, the redness and scarring will disappear after approximately one to two weeks.

As for me, I was having digestive issues which were cleared up with his dietary advice, I was also having a lot of stress related issues , ( I am three years breast cancer free !) including back pain , which were alleviated greatly with breathing exercises that he taught me along with acupuncture . Most recently I had been experiencing a sharp pain similar to my husband’s in my right thumb, after one visit this pain was gone. My mother had surgery on the same joint, was that in my future? I'm not sure, but I do know that it was painful constantly and made me realize how often we use our thumbs!!

Needless to say, my husband and I are both very grateful to Dr. Ling Cheng, he has quite honestly changed our lives.